Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Shape of Things to Come


Take the phrase "Happy Goats in Cashmere".  Change one letter in "Happy Goats" and one letter in "in Cashmere".  Rearrange the letters in each smaller phrase to name a couple of really smart fellas.

Photo courtesy of 


The title refers not to our future dietary habits, but to circles and triangles.  The men in question were great thinkers in the field of ancient mathematics.  The image, well...

Pythagoras           Archimedes


  1. I triangulated on the "happy goats" guy pretty quickly, but struggled with the "in cashmere" one until I looked at the picture. Then, I found it!

  2. In the same league as Rain Men, Iron Cape and Anger Gal.

    1. No easy server for those. Heading to FL tomorrow and will have something to ponder.

  3. Can you get three squares at McDonald's?

  4. I understand that the Mythbusters tried three times to give one of these guys some plausibility. - The third time at President Obama's insistance! But alas, his legend remains BUSTED!!!

  5. I kinda figured anyone who could solve the puzzle AND compose a suitably parabolic hint so quickly might also be able to transport our planet more or less at will. I just wanted to know where to. I hope Jan didn't take offense, and/or Enya and the Mythbuster are correct in their assessment of the hyperbolic nature of the legend. Otherwise, I could be toast.
    Lorenzo seems to have shifted Tommy's paradigm just a bit, which is interesting, since, in the UNshifted paradigm, I believe Lorenzo is eligible for membership in the league he mentions. There may be a clue in this, somewhere.
