Tuesday, June 28, 2011

You're Driving Me Crazy


Think of two well known Americans who share the same first name and began their careers the same way.  Their last names are each two syllables long.  The word way can be added to the first syllable of each to make two common compound words.  The word hood can be added to the second syllable of each to make two more common compound words.  Who are these people?


The title contains the first clue.  You can drive on a freeway or a fairway (don't use your driver).  

The image is that of Oedipus explaining the riddle of the Sphinx - What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon and three legs in the evening? - a reference of moving from childhood to manhood.

Both stars started their acting careers on the daytime soaps, specifically Another World and Search for Tomorrow.  Both soaps ran for thirty five years.

Morgan Freeman           Morgan Fairchild

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Just One More


Take the phrase "The Customer Smiles".  Rearrange the letters to name something that makes for a long day.


I don't suppose many of you tried to make a connection to a massive hangover, did you?  This was a pretty straightforward puzzle.  "The Customer Smiles" anagrams into "The Summer Solstice" which is the longest day of the year and this post was published on 6/21/2011, the summer solstice.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Animal, Vegetable or Mineral


Think of a tree in three letters.  Add a state postal abbreviation and rearrange the five letters to name an animal.

Think of another tree in three letters.  Add another postal abbreviation and rearrange the five letters to name another tree.

Think of one more tree in three letters.  Add one more postal abbreviation and rearrange the five letters to name a mineral.


Oak + Louisiana (LA)  = Koala

Elm + Pennsylvania (PA) = Maple

Tea + Georgia (GA) = Agate

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Some Do Too Much While Others Do Little


Take the words:                            
                                       LOAMY  -  YARD  -  AMPLIFYING

Rearrange the letters to name two well known titles that are related.


Pygmalion - 1912 play by George Bernard Shaw with main character Eliza Doolittle.

My Fair Lady - 1956 Broadway musical based on the above play.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

All That Remains


What is the next letter in this series:

N - U - S - D - E - R - W - __ ?


Perhaps a few too many clues?   On a map hanging vertically, north, south, east and west become up,down, right and Left.  All That Remains is what is Left.   I originally cropped out Elle Decor but changed my mind.  

The series reads:   N - U - S - D - E - R - W - L