Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Eyes Have It


They are many activities that can be irritating to your eyes.  Staring at a monitor all day or exposing yourself to propanethiol S-oxide (onions and tears) are two common culprits.

Take the phrases computer user and diced onions. Remove three consecutive letters from anywhere in either phrase.  Rearrange the result to name something that many eyes will be focused on today.

Photo courtesy of


Remove d-o-n from diced onions.
Supreme Court Decision

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Cochairman Lost Sight of His Aim


While President Obama's oratory may be his greatest asset, his predecessor was not so gifted.  Take the phrase Mumbler Emeritus.  Change one letter and rearrange the result to name something Obama's job approval numbers may soon provide him.

Photo courtesy of


When you take the "aim" out of cochairman, you're left with Cochran. The image is an eddy.  Change an R to an S in Mumbler Emeritus and rearrange to name what Obama may soon be experiencing, also a 1957 hit by Eddie Cochran.

Summertime Blues

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Blankety Blank Blank


In each statement, select a word to fill in the first blank.  Add a letter to the first word without changing the order to get the second blank.  Add one letter to the second word to get the third blank, again without changing the order.

For safety's sake, an Olympic diver must blank on the pool crew to take care of the blank.  And when the pool crew turned on the water, that part blank.

Olympic swimmers must blank on perfect timing in order to win the blank. Sadly, they knew there'd be no medals when they saw the blank.

When spectators blank lost in the downtown blank, they will likely need help finding the blank.

In the blank, the Olympian tried to blank everything so as not to seem blank to the crowd.

When the runner from Papua New Guinea won the blank, the commentator said, "He's wearing that blank like a proud papa."  Quite an appropriate blank I think.

Photo courtesy of


Depend, deep end, deepened
Rely, relay, replay
Are, area, arena
Ring, bring, boring
Mile, smile, simile

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Oldies But Goodies


Same as last week:

Replace two words (in each sentence) with synonyms without changing the meaning of the sentence.  These two words, phonetically, will name a famous actor. Actor is no longer gender specific.

Upon finally discovering the location of the throne, the prince’s unease began to fade.

While driving through the countryside, the passionate young lovers opted for a frolic in the meadow.

Photo courtesy of


The image is a waning moon on a field of stars.  

Upon finally discovering the location of the JOHN, the prince’s unease began to WANE.

While driving through the countryside, the passionate young lovers opted for a SALLY in the FIELD.

John Wayne               Sally Field