Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Be Careful!


Take the word "bondage".  Add a vowel somewhere and separate the eight letters into two common words without changing the order.  Replace each word with a synonym and you will name something that Ronald Reagan experienced twice while governor and twice while president.

Photo courtesy of


The title and image both refer to "leap".  "Look before you leap" and the US Navy Leap Frogs.  Add a U to bondage to get BOUND and AGE.  Every four years (almost) we all experience the phrase made up of the synonyms to bound and age.
Leap       Day


  1. Happy 39th Birthday, Frederic.

  2. By my count, Frederic's hit the big 40. Oh joy, oh rapture!

  3. Reagan? What about George W. Bush: "Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child."

  4. OK. Need a hint about Frederic. Not Chopin. 40 would be in the ballpark of 1852. Right? Not Bach either.

  5. Frederic in Act II sings that he will reach the important date in 1940. That makes him 39 today.

  6. I'm not sure Reagan remembered the last one (or two).

  7. I was wondering, does Frederic in Act II KNOW that he's not to count 1900? Since he just recently turned 21, but he's been told that he's only 5, that means he must serve the pirate king for 63 more actual years -- NO, make that 67 more actual years! If he reckons that he will reach the important date in 1940, then the scene takes place in the year 1877, or 1873 if he DOES know!

  8. If you see my post 3:00 post at Blainesville, you'll see LOON --> LEON --> LEO --> Leo Penn, Sean's father. Perhaps here, we should discuss Penn's aunts.

  9. The girl with the blank stare shares a birthday with Frederic, and thus may have two reasons to be treated well by a certain band of buccaneers.
