Tuesday, January 17, 2012

That's Entertainment


Rearrange the letters in the words  garb, suit and look  to come up with the last names of two well-known Hungarian men who share the same first name and were born in consecutive years.

Photo courtesy of 


The image is Belladonna, a hint to the common first name.

Bela Lugosi          Bela Bartok


  1. "Hi. Do you come here often? What are you drinking? Can I buy you another?..."

  2. I don't want to be last to comment here.

  3. I noticed that they didn't *quite* share the same first name. (One has an accented vowel, the other no accented vowels.) Also, according to the IMDb, they were both born in Austria-Hungary, each in regions now considered part of Romania.

    I was lucky to try this website when I did. A few minutes later Tommy Boy had changed the hint photo and the new one no longer has a name that practically gives it away.

  4. I stand corrected. It wasn't luck, but the fact that my first approach to this midweek puzzle was through the basic link http://www.tomspuzzlebreak.blogspot.com/

    That page STILL has as its hint photo, a jpeg whose name shows up in the lower-left-hand corner of your window by mearly mousing over it. Seeing the name of that photo REALLY DOES practically give it away. When you click the "Puzzle answers" link http://tomspuzzleanswers.blogspot.com/, THEN you notice a different hint photo and ITS name does NOT give it away.

  5. Enya...thanks for pointing that out. I didn't realize that happens and you are right. It's kind of a giveaway.

    I changed the picture because I switched from google images to Creative Commons through Flickr to avoid possible copyright issues.

  6. Hank Azaria voiced Bartok the bat in a couple of Disney films.
