Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Color Me Star Struck


Preface  -  The alphabet is a pool of letters from which all words can be spelled.


Cerulean and cobalt are both shades of blue.  Using each as a pool of letters, from cerulean we can get Lauren and from cobalt we can get Bacall

Consider these:

Lilac green                                                 Robin's egg blue

 Photos courtesy of  LstCaress  &  pchgorman

Using each color as your pool of letters, you can pull out the first and last names of a well-known couple.  Each color represents one of the pair. Who are they?


Gracie Allen            George Burns


  1. I can't remember who Greer Garlic was married to.

  2. Funny...I didn't use any letters more than once. Lilac green is the girl and Robin's egg blue is the guy. Good night.

  3. We must have different answers...OMG.

  4. Mdmulkjvp? F jltg znjxw, d dtra rhxq, d dtra hldfu xsg x lrli zlrdk - tu x gda brjfq; fy gbuhkiv ls klb prhk efsmnqbxv vtx zfq efqaqh.

  5. If there was a "T" in Robin's Egg Blue, we could figure out the last names for Bert and Ernie.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The deleted comment had something to do with Cain and Abel, but then I remembered there's no 'A' in 'robin's egg blue'.
    'Greer Garlic' was a joke. It struck me funny, so I took a chance commenting before solving. I didn't expect it to win a prize; I was just hoping it wouldn't blow up in my face.
    Anything else you need to know?
    Oh, yeah.
    The Vigenere thing can be decoded with 'fdx'. That has nothing to do with calculus or overnight shipping. I actually encoded it with 'omg', followed by, shall we say, a 'rot17'.
    I wonder if Gracie ever tried dropping one letter from her name, and rearranging the letters?
