Wednesday, August 22, 2012

An Abbreviated Ounce of Prevention


Consider these:

 pair,  parliament member,  plod,  proficiency, 

pitch,  powerhouse,  passé

Replace each with a synonym using only the letters whose mirror image does not result in a backwards letter.  The font used here is Century Gothic and exactly all the letters you will need are in this paragraph.  When you have the correct solution, the first initial of each word will spell out a familiar movie quote.

Photo courtesy of


The abbreviation for ounce is oz. and the image (believe it or not) is Dorothy.  Some of the words are a bit obscure but all can be found in (and/or  

pair  -  two
parliament member  -  owl (a group of owls is called a parliament)
plod  -  toil
proficiency  -  oil
pitch  -  tilt
powerhouse  -  ox
passe  -  out

Quote from The Wizard of Oz  -  Toto, too


  1. Your paragraph uses no uppercase A or H, so by your rules those letters are out. You don't use an uppercase M either, and although it's close, the lowercase m is close to, but not exactly the same as its mirror reversal. The same can be said for the lowercase e.

    So is it safe to conclude that our full palate of letters here is:

    b, d, i, l, o, p, q, t, u, v, & w?

    1. I have discovered from your post (thank you) a slight error which has now been corrected. Please reread. I understand your inclusion of b,d and p,q but that was not my intention.

    2. I have indeed reread your question paragraph, and I honestly can't detect any change. In particular I still see nothing in the current question paragraph which would rule out b, d, p & q.

  2. I intended each letter to remain the same. There is one additional letter in the revised paragraph. I concede bdpq, although they are of no use.

    1. I've reread again and noticed that now you are using lowercase x, which was missing in your paragraph before.

      So is it safe to conclude that our full palate of letters here is:

      i, l, o, t, u, v, w, & x?

    2. Yes, though it isn't stated that you need to use all of them.

  3. Pna lbh gryy zr vs nal bs zl svir thrffrf ner jebat? (Frrzf yvxr gbb znal vavgvny g'f sbe fbzr snzvyvne zbivr dhbgr.)

    cnve gjb
    cneyvnzrag zrzore ????
    cybq gbvy
    cebsvpvrapl ????
    cvgpu gvyg (be gbhg)
    cbjreubhfr bk
    cnffé bhg

    Jungrire lbhe flabalz sbe cebsvpvrapl vf, vg'f abg vapyhqrq va Zreevnz-Jrofgre'f Gurfnhenf; rvgure nf n flabalz be nf n eryngrq jbeq. Orsber lbh ehyrq bhg d, vd jbhyq unir orra na npprcgnoyr flabalz.
