Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pa Rum Pa Pum Pum


Take the phrase "fusion tea".  You can rearrange the letters to come up with three distinct words.  One word has the opposite meaning of the other two, although the other two words are not necessarily synonyms.  What words are these?


Pretty straight forward.  The word UMP appears twice in the title, as in an umpire in baseball.

Out    -    In    and    Safe


  1. If you party way after midnite on New Year's Eve I hope you return home in mint condition!

  2. Is there ANYBODY out there who has looked at this midweek puzzle and NOT figured it out yet?

    In the REMOTEST chance there is, here's the answer, ROT13'd as usual:

    "VA" vf na bccbfvgr bs "BHG", juvpu vgfrys vf na bccbfvgr bs "FNSR" (va onfronyy).
