Friday, September 17, 2010

Sour Puss


Who might say this, Kelly Ripa or Regis Philbin?

“Oh, dear me. Cooking a meal in Paris did me in.”

Explain your answer


There's a clue in the title that should help you deliver the correct answer.

Post your answer in the comments area.


In the title, the word PUSS can be anagrammed into USPS to help you "deliver" the correct answer.

The statement is a string of postal abbreviations:  OH DE AR ME.  CO OK IN GA ME AL etc.  Since Kelly's last name is RIPA (Rhode Island and Pennsylvania), she would be the speaker.


  1. Honestly I don't think I have a clue to the solution. I noticed that by looking at the endings of the words I could spell out REGIS.

    "oh deaR mE cookinG a meal in parIS did me in."

    So I posted a comment with:
    "i thinK therE wilL likeLY be some confusion about this puzzle"

    But I see no relationship to the title so I'm guessing I'm completely wrong.

  2. I guess I stumped you. Glad it wasn't too easy but I hope it wasn't too obscure. I do like how your mind works.
