Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Celebrity Anagranalogy


Rearrange the letters in each section of the following to create an accurate analogy.

Cornmeal Grants : Fractured One : : Tar My Bod : We Rub Slop


Lance Armstrong : Tour de France : : Tom Brady : Superbowl

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A New Homanagranalonym


Ashore : Cholera : : Ruby : Ariels

1)  Rearrange the letters of each section              Anagram

2)  Find the homophone for each new word          Homonym

3)  To make a sensible analogy                             Analogy

4)  Post your answer below                                   Homanagranalonym

5)  Brag about it on the puzzle page

Ashore : Cholers : : Ruby : Ariels

Hoarse : Chorale : : Bury : Serial

Horse : Corral : : Berry : Cereal

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Now Showing in 3-D


This challange requires you to use only the letters of the alphabet that can be rotated 180 degrees on the x, y or z axis without changing.  For example, you can rotate B toward you from top to bottom (x-axis), flip A from left to right (y-axis) and spin X around 180 degrees (z-axis).  X actually works on all 3 axes. 

I used the Arial font which is common in most word processors.  You can use upper or lower case letters and repeat them as needed.

And now the challenge:  Name the only state with its respective capital city that can be spelled using only the letters in this new alphabet.


Usually I can't be bought, but for a buck I'd give you a terrific hint.


The new alphabet gives the roman numerals D, I and X  yielding 509

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Carnival's in Town


Take the names of two countries.  Remove the first three letters of each and you’re left with the acronyms for two well known organizations.  Remove all the remaining vowels and you’re left with an acronym for a member of one of these organizations.

What are the countries and acronyms?


Panama  -  Canada  -  AMA  -  ADA  -  MD